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Household Electronics That You Should Leave Behind

The summer season is here at last, and for the anglers among us that means swapping warm, winter clothes and ice fishing shacks for coolers and trawling boats. For many, however, packing for a day on the water entails more than just the basic set of tackle and gear. These days, people have become so entangled with their electronics that for some it’s hard to imagine going anywhere without them, even fishing. And with current developments in technology it’s often quite possible to bring them along; that doesn’t mean you should though. So before packing up and heading out onto the lake this summer, here are a few tips for every day items that are probably better left on shore. There are some electronics that everyone can agree don’t belong anywhere near water — the same sort that you wouldn’t want to bring with you in the bath. But other electronics don’t seem immediately dangerous out on the open water, and so might not seem like such a bad idea.
Probably the most common item to see (or hear) on the water these days is a radio. In many ways music players have invaded every facet of human life; they’re in our cars, in our pockets, even on the internet. Indeed many newer model boats may have radios built directly into the steering console, so being constantly surrounded by music has become so common place that most people don’t question whether or not it might be appropriate. After all there are shower radios and floating, pool radios, why not bring the old boombox along on the boat?
In this case, it’s not so much about whether or not you can, but whether or not you should. If your trip out onto the water is specifically to spend your day fishing, radios can be incredibly disturbing, not only to the fish you’re trying to catch, but for the other fishermen as well. The radio you’re listening to might not seem that loud to you, and probably you’re not bothered by your choice of music or news, but out on the water there isn’t anything to disturb the noise your radio is making as it travels across to the next boat completely unimpeded, and that other boat might not be a fan of all of the noise. That’s why this year it might be better to leave the radio back at the dock when you head out, or, in the very least, bring along a pair of headphones.
Electric coolers and blenders seem to be other items that are gaining popularity for boating enthusiasts and fishermen alike. In most cases, these items don’t belong on boats because their intended purpose is illegal. It might sound nice to have a margarita while out on the water, but it’s just as illegal to operate a boat while under the influence as it is to drive a car.
Even outside of this issue though, there are reasons to leave these items behind. A blender, like a radio, is an incredibly noisy machine, and that sound is going to carry across to everyone else out on the water likely disturbing their day. But above and beyond that the amount of energy they use can also pose a problem. Your boat might have a battery or generator already installed (or maybe you own a portable one), but electric coolers and blenders both use a fair share of energy, and the coolers and batteries could contain potentially harmful chemicals that could be introduced into the environment. So, while it might seem like a good idea to blend up a tasty non-alcoholic drink to enjoy while you sit out on the water, probably best to prepare it beforehand, pack it up in a traditional cooler, and leave the electronics back on the dock.