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Professional GPS Units for School Vehicles
According to statistics published by the Association for Safe International Road Travel, over 1,600 children under the age of 15 years die of road accidents each year. So, if your child is traveling to school by hired transport, being worried about his or her well being is but natural.
Apart from parents, school authorities too end up being anxious about the safety of their vehicles and the well being of students while they are on board. Bus authorities are also under pressure to offer safe and reliable services.
One of the ways in which these concerns can perhaps be put to rest is by installing professional GPS units in the fleet for real time monitoring and control.
How Can Installing GPS Help?
- A tracking system will ensure real time reporting to parents. They will be informed about delays, route changes and so on. Waiting time for children can be minimized, especially during inclement weather conditions.
- GPS trackers can ensure efficient handling of vehicles. Driving patterns will be monitored and violations of speed limit or entry into unsafe zones can be detected easily. Unnecessary idling can also be eliminated.
- With a tracker in place, fleet owners will be in for insurance rebates. Most vehicle insurance companies consider GPS units as safety devices and rebates are provided for having one in place. The cost advantage can perhaps be passed on to parents.
- Optimizing routes and tracking engine idling will enhance the environmental accountability of the vehicles.
This constant monitoring of location and speed will also put the worries of school authorities to rest.
Essential Features to Look for in a School Vehicle GPS Tracker
The key objective of installing a professional GPS Unit in a school vehicle is to ensure safety of the kids on board. Keeping that in mind, here are the few preferred features to include:
- It needs to have a high definition multi-colored screen for easy viewing.
- It is great to have a traffic trends sensor in the tracking unit to remain updated with real time traffic conditions. This will ensure that the driver chooses direct routes for quick transportation.
- Having a tracking system with a rear view camera for assessing the actual distance of vehicles on the rear makes the drive safer than ever before.
Having professional GPS units installed in school vehicles is essentially a thoughtful move, likely to be supported by parents and school authorities alike. The returns in terms of customer satisfaction and safety will more than make up for the initial installation costs.