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Tablet and Laptop GPS Systems: When Are These the Best Choice?
GPS vs. Current Technology
For people who own a GPS device, it can become tedious and expensive to pay for new maps year after year. With today's technology, you will no longer have to. There are multiple android devices currently on the market that come with a GPS built into the system. The added bonus is these tablets also have internet access, which allows you to check your email, use your phone, stream movies, among other prudent things that a normal GPS just doesn't do. All these extras are at no extra cost.
There are several other advantages to using these tablets as opposed to regular GPS units. Available to you are multiple apps that offer you various features that allow you to choose which is best for you. For example, Google Map, Waze, among other kinds depending on your connection speed. Even if you won't have internet access while on the road, you can download maps for offline use.
These tablet devices will last for hours of continued use, unlike other GPS units in the event that you need to keep the maps going for a long time. The maps are also free on the tablets and are regularly updated so you do not have to continuously purchase new maps and wasting precious money. You can even use android tablet GPS devices when going for a hike or biking your way around town with special maps, apps, and the longer battery life.
The bonus with purchasing a tablet instead of a single GPS unit is the price. You get so much more with the tablet and yet the price is the same as an expensive GPS unit and can often times be cheaper. You can currently buy 7-inch Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 and a map purchased from the Google Play Store for a total of $200. With all the other great features of the tablet, you will get free maps for life. There are cheaper and more expensive models of course.
Some brands allow you access to Google Maps and allow you to surf the web while you're on the road and offers you the same technology as a GPS, providing you with a compass, tells your speed and can give you real-time traffic alerts, weather reports, play games, send emails, keep a schedule, doubles as an alarm clock, and even provides a good camera. Tablets come with processors that even allow you to watch movies and shows right in the palms of your hands. What single GPS unit can do that?
So really, the best choice when trying to decide between just a GPS unit and a tablet is right now while the technology is hot and continuously improving. It's quite amazing how quickly things are moving today and how much information is not at the palm of our hands. With tablets, laptops, and smart phones, we can get movies, books, play games, take pictures, chat with people across the globes, and so much more with a single device.