Navico Precision-9 Compass

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Navico Precision-9 Compass

Navico's Precision-9 Compass provides heading and rate-of-turn information to Simrad, B&G and Lowrance autopilot, radar and navigation systems. NMEA2000 Connectivity.
  • SKUNVX12607001
  • MAN#000-12607-001
  • ID#: 6518
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The Navico Precision 9 Compass provides industry leading accuracy of heading and rate-of-turn information. The Simrad Precision-9 is able to measure motion on 9 separate axis which calculates most accurate heading and rate-of-turn information available. With the advanced design of this heading sensor, you’re provided with heading accuracy of ±2 degrees once it has been calibrated.

The compact Precision 9 sensor package provides rate of turn, heading, pitch and roll data to other devices that are connected on the NMEA 2000 network. The Precision-9 is much more than a simple compass, it is also an ideal source of heading and motion data for Navico Radar Systems, Simrad autopilot setups, MFD’s and more.

The Precision-9 Compass includes an easily adjustable mounting bracket that makes installation a breeze on most any boat including an up-mast mounting option for metal-hulled vessels.

**NMEA 2000 Network Required

Product Accessories for Navico Precision-9 Compass

Maretron NMEA 2000 Micro T-Connector Our Price:$24.95
SKU: NM5301

Maretron NMEA 2000 Micro T-Connector

The Maretron NMEA 2000 T-Connector is a required part when adding components to your NMEA 2k network. It is installed on the backbone cable and uses one end of the T-Piece for the drop cable.

Maretron NMEA 2000 Starter Kit Our Price:$179.95

Maretron NMEA 2000 Starter Kit

Maretron is known for their high quality and durable NMEA 2000 parts, this starter kit includes: 2 T connectors, Powertap T, 2 Male Terminators, 1m Drop/Backbone Cable, and a 6m Drop/Backbone Cable. Everything you will need to start your NMEA 2K Network.

Maretron NMEA 2000 Female Terminator Our Price:$13.95
SKU: NM5801

Maretron NMEA 2000 Female Terminator

A NMEA 2000 Female Terminator is used to begin or end the NMEA 2000 Backbone. It should be installed on one side of a Micro-Tee.

Maretron NMEA 2000 Male Terminator Our Price:$13.95
SKU: NM5501

Maretron NMEA 2000 Male Terminator

The Maretron NMEA 2000 Male Terminator is used to begin or end the NMEA 2000 Backbone. It should be installed on one side of a Micro-Tee.

Maretron NMEA 2000 Backbone Cable 10 Meter Our Price:$48.95
SKU: NM1708

Maretron NMEA 2000 Backbone Cable 10 Meter

This Maretron cable can be used as your NMEA 2000 backbone cable. Length 10 Meter. This cable can not be used as a drop cable.

Maretron NMEA 2000 Power-Tee Our Price:$49.95
SKU: NM1801

Maretron NMEA 2000 Power-Tee

The Maretron NMEA 2000 Power-Tee is used to power your NMEA 2K network and measures 5 meters in length. 

Navico NMEA 2000 Micro T-Connector Our Price:$24.95
SKU: NVX11979

Navico NMEA 2000 Micro T-Connector

The Navico NMEA 2000 T-Connector is required for adding components to your network. It is installed on the backbone and uses one end of the T-Connector for the drop cable.

Navico NMEA 2000 Starter Kit Our Price:$74.95
SKU: NVX12469

Navico NMEA 2000 Starter Kit

The Navico NMEA 2000 Starter Kit includes all of the parts neccessary to create a NMEA2000 Network on your boat.

Maretron NMEA 2000 Micro Inline Terminator Our Price:$24.95

Maretron NMEA 2000 Micro Inline Terminator

The Maretron NMEA 2000 Micro Inline Terminator can be used at the end of a NMEA 2000 backbone to terminate the backbone and still allow for a single device to be used after the terminator.