This Maretron cable can be used as your NMEA 2000 backbone or drop cable. Length 1 Meter.
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The Maretron NMEA 2000 Power-Tee is used to power your NMEA 2K network and measures 5 meters in length.
The Maretron NMEA 2000 Field Attachable Female Connector is used to begin or end the NMEA 2000 Backbone. It should be installed on one side of a Micro-Tee.
The Maretron NMEA 2000 Field Attachable Male Connector is used to begin or end the NMEA 2000 Backbone. It should be installed on one side of a Micro-Tee.
This Maretron cable can be used as your NMEA 2000 backbone cable. Length 10 Meter. This cable can not be used as a drop cable.
Maretron is known for their high quality and durable NMEA 2000 parts, this starter kit includes: 2 T connectors, Powertap T, 2 Male Terminators, 1m Drop/Backbone Cable, and a 6m Drop/Backbone Cable. Everything you will need to start your NMEA 2K Network.
This Maretron cable can be used as your NMEA 2000 backbone or drop cable. Length 0.5 meter.
This Maretron cable can be used as your NMEA 2000 backbone or drop cable. Length 3 Meter
This Maretron cable can be used as your NMEA 2000 backbone or drop cable. Length 6 Meter.
The Maretron NMEA 2000 T-Connector is a required part when adding components to your NMEA 2k network. It is installed on the backbone cable and uses one end of the T-Piece for the drop cable.
A NMEA 2000 Female Terminator is used to begin or end the NMEA 2000 Backbone. It should be installed on one side of a Micro-Tee.
The Maretron NMEA 2000 Male Terminator is used to begin or end the NMEA 2000 Backbone. It should be installed on one side of a Micro-Tee.
The Maretron NMEA 2000 Micro Inline Terminator can be used at the end of a NMEA 2000 backbone to terminate the backbone and still allow for a single device to be used after the terminator.
This Maretron cable can be used as your NMEA 2000 backbone or drop cable. Length 2 Meter.