The transom mount Panoptix PS30 transducer brings three additional features to Garmin’s “All Seeing Sonar”. These features in the PS30 are LiveVu Down which provides real time moving sonar images that allow you to see target and bait fish swimming either away from or towards your boat, and get this, even your lure. The next feature that the PS30 delivers is RealVu 3D Down, which allows you to view the history of one transducer sweep while your boat is stationary, and lastly RealVu 3D Historical is a feature that is used to locate fish while your boat is moving. It shows the entire water column you have passed over from the bottom to the tip in 3D including all of the fish in the column. The revolutionary Panoptix technology that Garmin is offering in the PS30 transducer is unlike anything else on the water. You can now see the fish you are targeting and make a presentation that is visible to them and to you as well, greatly increasing your chances of success.
To truly appreciate Panoptix and the images that the PS30 can deliver you do have to see it to believe it, because you can’t begin to believe its capability. The PS30 has a solid stainless steel mount that should provide a durable installation that lasts a very long time provided the Garmin recommendations for installing are followed.
Compatible with: Garmin echoMap 70s, 70dv, echoMap CHIRP 7xdv, 7xsv, 9xsv, GPSMAP 741/741xs, 742/742xs, 840xs,942/942xs, 1040xs,10x2xs, 12x2xs 7600 and 7600xsv series, 8208, 8212, 8215 and 8500 / 8530 Black Box Systems via Garmin Marine Network. *Garmin GMS 10 Network Port Expander may be required for installation.
See what Scott Martin, FLW 2015 Angler of the Year winner says about Panoptix!
Product Accessories for Garmin Panoptix PS30 Down Looking Transducer

PropSpeed FoulFree Transducer Foul-Release Coating
PropSpeed's FoulFree Transducer Coating Kit is the biggest advancement in transducer paint and coatings in the last 30 years. It will keep your thru-hull or transom mount transducer free of marine growth. This nontoxic formula has zero leaching of harmful chemicals into water unlike traditional anti-fouling bottom paints and is certified by Airmar.