C-Map Reveal Lakes NA-Y215 - South Central

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C-Map Reveal Lakes NA-Y215 - South Central

C-Map's Reveal Lakes Charts offer unsurpassed detail on over 18,000 lakes throughout the USA. These charts add specialized inland features that will help you catch more fish!
Coverage Area: US Lakes, South Central.
  • MAN#M-NA-Y215-MS
  • ID#: 6396
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Each C-MAP Reveal Lakes HD Card includes the following features:

Vector Charts -Full Featured Vector charts make navigation easy by giving you accurate, up-to-date vector chart detail derived from official hydrographic office information.

CMap Lake Vector Charts

Satellite Overlay - Satellite Imagery gives information about the surroundings when you find yourself in unfamiliar places.

CMap lake Satellite Imagery

Genesis Layer - C-MAP Genesis Layer adds 1 foot depth contours on top of traditional C-MAP Charts, compiled from Genesis social mapping.

CMap Lake Custom Shading Charts

Easy Routing - Easy Routing helps you automatically plot the shortest, safest route based on detailed chart data and your vessel information.

CMap Lake Easy Routing Charts

Custom Depth Shading - Custom Depth Shading provides many options to set a safety depth, maintain a paper like view or your own custom color for depths.

CMap Lake Custom Shading Charts

  • View Bathymetry, Coastline, NavAids and more navigational data as published by NOAA.
  • Presentation improvements which display chart content more consistently throughout all zoom levels
  • Improved Lowrance-style presentation of icons & points of interest (marinas, boat ramps, gas stations, etc.)
  • Refactored contour lines result in more coverage with high-definition 1-foot contours
  • Updated depth shading
  • Redesigned structure markers (roadbeds, foundations, etc.)
  • Low zoom-level improvements include new icons for points of interest -- both on land and in water
  • Improved boat ramps and gas stations, building foundations, submerged roadbeds and channel lines are redrawn in a new color.

C-Map Reveal Lakes Charts are compatible with select Navico products, Confirm Unit Compatibility here!